Introduction to Genesis and the Torah: Authorship (Part 5)
November 30, 2016 Speaker: Series: The Torah
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Description: We approach the end of our study of Moses' role in the revelation, inscription, and preservation the Torah. Our focus this week turns from the Israelites' first year at Sinai to their forty years in the wilderness. Particular attention is given to the "Scroll of the Wars of YHWH" (Num 21) and its relation to similar songs, poems, narratives, and scrolls taught and recorded throughout Israel's early and later history (e.g., "The scroll of the Upright" Josh 10:; 2 Sam ). Next time, Lord willing, we'll aim to finish Numbers along with Moses' final exhortations to Israel and her leaders in Deuteronomy, just before they cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan.