Introduction to Genesis and the Torah: Authorship (Part 6)
December 14, 2016 Speaker: Series: The Torah
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After providing a bit of review for those who missed the previous weeks, we briefly discuss how YHWH commanded Moses and Eleazar to take a census of the second generation, following the death of the first generation in the wilderness (Num 26). We then learn that God commanded Moses to keep a record of their travels (Num 33:1–49) from Ramses during their Exodus out of Egypt (Num 33:3; cf. Exod 12:37–15:21) through the wilderness (Num 33:8–39; cf. Exod 15:22–Num 20:29) and their journey to the Eastern bank of the Jordan in the plains of Moab (Num 33:40–49; cf. Num 21:1–22:1; 25:1ff). From this, it becomes very apparent that Moses was far from idle during their wilderness wanderings; rather, he was proclaiming, teaching, writing, heeding the instructions of God, sometimes with the aid of his brother, his nephews, the Levites, the elders of the twelve tribes, and so on (e.g., Exod 21:1; Num 1:2–5ff; 4:46–49; 26:1–4, 63).