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Teachings from Genesis

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November 7, 2018

"Blessed is the man ..." (Psa 1)


September 26, 2018

Creation and the Tabernacle: Part 2

Speaker: Topic: Genesis

September 12, 2018

Creation and the Tabernacle: Part 1

Speaker: Topic: Genesis

September 5, 2018

"The second day": The Heavens


May 9, 2018

The Barren Earth and the Life-Giving Spirit-Part 2 (Genesis 1:2)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 1:2

May 2, 2018

The Barren Earth and the Life-Giving Spirit (Genesis 1:2 )

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 1:2

February 21, 2018

The Hidden Agenda of Marxism

Speaker: Tom Gonser Topic: Marxism

December 13, 2017

In the Beginning ... (Part 2)


December 6, 2017

"In the Beginning ..." (Part 1)


March 18, 2015

An Overview of the Creation Account and the Creation of Man

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 1:1–4:17

February 18, 2015

Jehovah's Witnesses

Speaker: Eric Douma

February 11, 2015

YHWH God's Banishment of Man: Judgment of the Man

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:17-21

February 4, 2015

YHWH God's Banishment of Man: Judgment of the Woman (Part 2)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:16

January 7, 2015

YHWH God's Banishment of Man: Judgment of the Woman (Part 1)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:16

December 10, 2014

A Genesis 3:15 Excursus: The Woman's Chosen Offspring and Israel's Promised King (Part 3)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:15, Psalms 89:1-52

November 19, 2014

A Genesis 3:15 Excursus: The Woman's Chosen Offspring and Israel's Promised King (Part 2)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:15, Numbers 23:1–24:25

November 12, 2014

A Genesis 3:15 Excursus: The Woman's Chosen Offspring and Israel's Promised King (Part 1)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:15, Genesis 49:1-33

October 8, 2014

YHWH God's Banishment of Man from the Garden: Questions

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:8-13

October 1, 2014

YHWH God's Banishment of Man from the Garden : Temptation and Sin (Part 2)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 2:24, Genesis 3:6-7

September 24, 2014

YHWH God's Banishment of Man from the Garden : Temptation and Sin (Part 1)

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 3:1-5

September 17, 2014

YHWH God's Creation and Provision in the Garden: The 'ishah

Speaker: Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25

September 3, 2014

YHWH God's Creation and Provision in the Garden: The 'adam

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 2:4-17

June 4, 2014

''The seventh day'': Completion and Rest

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3

May 28, 2014

''The sixth day'': The Land Animals and Man

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:24-31

May 21, 2014

''The fifth day'': The Sea Creatures and Birds

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:20-23

May 14, 2014

''The fourth day'': The Luminaries

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:14-19

May 7, 2014

''The third day'': The Earth, Seas, and Vegetation

Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:9-13

April 30, 2014

A ''third day'' Excursus: Textual Criticism and Genesis 1

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:9-10

April 16, 2014

''The second day'': The Heavens

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:6-8

April 9, 2014

''The first day'': The Day and Night

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:3-5

April 2, 2014

The Barren Earth and the Life-Giving Spirit

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:2

March 26, 2014

''In the beginning ...''

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:1

March 19, 2014

Overview of Genesis 1:1-2:3

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:1–2:3

March 12, 2014

Introduction to Genesis

Speaker: Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 1:1–50:26