Paul Rebukes Peter's Hypocrisy (Galatians 2:11-14)
April 21, 2013 Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: Galatians
Scripture: Galatians 2:11–14
This section of Galatians is about an incident in Antioch where Peter gave into the fear of man and separated himself from table fellowship with Gentile Christians. Paul "opposed him to his face." The truth of the gospel is too important to compromise. Bob discusses how to correct those who stray, even leaders. The gospel requires us to believe the truth, not to feel a certain way. This leads to a description of Christian table fellowship and why it is so important. When we divide fellowship among Christians according to terms that are not God's terms through the gospel, we dishonor people whom the Lord has bought with His blood. This evil must not happen in the church. The Lord's Supper prefigures the eschatological table fellowship in which all of the redeemed will participate. Bob shares the gospel from Luke 14:15-24. A summary of the gospel is found in the antithetical parallelism of Proverbs 29:25. We must fear God rather than man.
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