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God Is Pleased to Use the Gospel:1 Corinthians 1:20-21

June 27, 2021 Preacher: Bob DeWaay Series: 1 Corinthians

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 20-21

In this sermon, we provide careful exegesis of these important verses which reveal the foolishness of what is deemed “wise” by sages, experts and debaters of the fallen world. God chose the gospel preaching to save those who believe. Saving knowledge of God is relational, not merely cognitive. The world is fallen and does not know God and rejects the truth that history is headed toward judgment. God offers to rescue sinners, but they must admit they need to be rescued. Many false movements and teachings claim that Christianity is about better living now. However, the truth stands and God calls people to repent and turn to Christ. God has spoken to us through His Son in whom He is well-pleased. The seeker movement may attract people, but it is grounded in worldly philosophy and man-centered “wisdom” that is truly foolish and will ultimately be shown to be useless. All who believe the gospel will be vindicated.