Peter and Miracles (Acts 9:32-43)
March 19, 2017 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 9:32-43
Luke uses geography to tie together his narrative so there is purpose to the geographical references in Acts. Peter comes to the fore as miracles are done in Lydda and Joppa. We discuss how Luke describes the visitation of God in Luke/Acts where unexpected people are saved and the religious elite were judged. Forgiveness of sins is a key and necessary part of salvation. The point of God’s mighty acts is that people would believe and turn to the Lord. We see that in Acts, Peter raises the dead like Jesus did in Luke. This showed that Peter and the other apostles carried on the ministry the Christ commissioned them for. Another important point in Luke/Acts is that no one was in bad enough condition that Christ could not save them.
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