The Overthrow of Religious Babylon - Part 2 (Revelation 17:3-14)
September 10, 2017 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Revelation - Eric Douma
Scripture: Revelation 17:3-14
In this message we finish studying Revelation 17:1-14. In this message we prove that Babylon the Great is headquartered in a literal rebuilt Babylon that will exist once again along the Euphrates river. We also spend time on refuting the notion that Babylon the Great will be headquartered in either Jerusalem or Rome. We also examine once again the beast upon which the harlot of Babylon sits. Finally we talk about the certain victory that Christ will have over Babylon and the beast. Come and hear for yourself how Christ has the power to overthrow all enemies opposed to His people and His will.
Class slides and handouts available under the Downloads tab.