Table Fellowship With Converted Gentiles (Acts 11:11-18 )
December 3, 2017 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 11:11-18
The issue of God including some Gentiles from every tribe and nation in His plan of Messianic salvation creates narrative tension in Luke/Acts. Israel as a whole rejected her own Messiah. But that too was part of God’s purpose. Jesus had proved His Messianic identity by unique acts of power and fulfilling Scripture. Yet He was rejected by the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem. Acts makes it clear that saving Gentiles who believe the gospel and including them in the church was what God predicted. It was wrong to then reject table fellowship with those God saved. When Peter said, “who was I to hinder God,” he convinced his audience of Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. The result was that they “glorified God” which is always a good outcome! God had truly granted repentance to Gentiles. Those who God converts through the gospel must be received.
Class slides and handout can be found under the Downloads tab.