Ministry in Ephesus: Acts 19:6-10
March 13, 2022 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 19:6-10
Acts 19:6-8 The work of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts
Discerning What is Normative
In keeping with the theme of Joel 2:28, 29 which Peter preached about in Acts 2:17-18, we discuss other cases where the Holy Spirit comes upon people, including the case of disciples of JTB in Acts 19. In this case, about 12 people were received into fellowship.
The last time we covered this, there was discussion about baptism in Jesus’ name. Does this imply a rejection of the Trinity and is it at odds with Matthew 22:19 which is clearly Trinitarian (the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit). Some Oneness Pentecostal groups have made claims that anyone who is not baptized in the name of Jesus only is lost. I claim that this is heretical and unbiblical.
In regard to other manifestations of the Spirit, including speaking in tongues, there is no one pattern that is normative. What happened in Acts 19:5-7 is a true work of the Spirit and we know that in the greater context of Luke’s intent. We discuss other incidents in the Bible where the Holy Spirit comes upon someone and they do speak the truth (howbeit reluctantly such as with Balaam) but they are false. At issue is not what the Holy Spirit can do, but how we know what is validly from God. We learn that from the context which helps us see the intent of the Holy Spirit-inspired author. In Acts 19:8, Paul takes the gospel into the synagogue and reasons with the Jews about the Kingdom. More implications about this will be discussed next week’s class.