Paul Addresses the Ephesian Elders Pt. 3 Gospel of Grace: Acts 20:21-24
January 1, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 20:21-24
Title: Acts 20:22-24 “Paul Addresses Ephesian Elders Pt 3 The Gospel of Grace”
By Bob DeWaay
We continue to study Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders in the context of the key role it plays in defining the leadership, ministry, and message of the church. It is vitally important that whatever is “profitable” is fully taught to the entire congregation. If much of what God has revealed is left out for whatever reason, the church will be harmed. It is essential that the church is defined biblically and the message of the church must center on the gospel itself. Paul is headed to Jerusalem where he knows he will encounter afflictions and persecution. Yet he will not be deterred from going. This reminds us of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem to be rejected. An important theme in Luke-Acts is that Jerusalem rejects the prophets and is facing judgment. Paul was determined to finish his race which meant “to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” This is synonymously parallel to his later mention of “the word of His grace” (Acts 20:32a). This is thematic and definitive. We point out that church history produced “Christendom” which is filled with institutions which have little to do with the church as it is defined in the Bible. Paul’s message to these elders is a key section which helps us define the church.