Paul Addresses the Ephesian Elders Pt. 10 External & Internal Wolves: Acts 20:29-32
May 7, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 20:29-32
Paul continues his address to the Ephesian elders by warning of those who would arise from within the church and those who would come from the outside. In both cases, these are people who outwardly are Christians but do not have the best interests of the Lord’s people in mind. They introduce teachings and practices that will enhance their own status and harm the flock. We cite numerous cross references including some in Galatians and 1 Timothy. The eccentricities of the wolves are such that they create dependence on themselves for whatever they promote. They claim to know special secrets which are unknown to ordinary Christians. Such claims deny the truth of “Scripture alone” as a key truth. Such wolves either twist scriptures using faulty exegesis or claim special visionary revelations from the spiritual realm. Some claim to have visited heaven. Some give predictive prophecies, many of which prove false, but will not allow their false predictions to disqualify themselves. We show how predictive prophecy which may or may not be true is worthless at the best. We spent some time explaining how “strange doctrines” never produce: “love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:5b). Conversely, sound biblical teaching and personal concern for the well-being of each of the Lord’s sheep will bring forth those virtues. Religious pomp which has been prominent throughout church history glorifies religious dignitaries but does not produce “love from a pure heart.”