Paul to Timothy in Ephesus Warning Concerning Internal Wolves: 1 Timothy 6:3-5
June 11, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:3-5
This lesson focuses on exegesis and application of 1 Timothy 6:3-5 which describe the practices, teaching and motives of false teachers. We deal with each verse by carefully explaining the text, including bringing out the meaning of the Greek and making applications which apply to any Christian group from Paul’s day until ours. Sadly, many have rejected the necessity of correcting error that comes from leaders with churches. People claiming to be Christians are those whose bad motives become evident. These verses are laid out in an “If . . . then” logical format, with the “then” implied. The heterodoxy of the “if” part leads to the conditions described in the “then” conclusion (verses 4, 5). The condition of the church is not to be judged by money, popularity, or grand claims, but by adherence to the truth. Paul describes the false teachers as “deprived of the truth.” Their doctrine does not conform to true godliness, but they suppose godliness is a means of gain. The motivations of such teachers are worldly no matter how pious they appear and make themselves sound. Thus Paul’s warning to Timothy applies today as such false teachings proliferate through modern media. We need to have a commitment to teaching the truth and living up to it in our personal lives.