Paul Describes the Fruit of False Teachings in the Church: 1 Timothy 6:4-5 - Pt 1
July 2, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:4-5
In Acts 20:29-30, Paul predicted that the church in Ephesus would face external and internal wolves after Paul left there. We are expounding parts of 1 & 2 Timothy to show how this prediction came to pass. Timothy was in Ephesus while Paul was in jail in Rome. 1 Timothy 6:3, 4 is a protasis, apodosis (if … then) logical construction. The “if” part is when heterodox teaching which is not in accord with the “sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ,” is taught in the church. This is now the case in Ephesus and Paul writes to Timothy about how to deal with it. 1 Timothy 6:4 is the implied ‘then’ consequent when the if condition has been met (which it has). The consequences of departing from the teachings of Christ and His apostles involve strife, word fights, envy, insults (literally ‘blasphemies’), malicious talk and evil suspicions. We explain why this always happens when the changeless truth of Scripture is ignored in favor of anything else. With no solid ground for Christian unity through the faith, once for all handed down to the saints, the result is a spiritual free for all with whoever appears to have the strongest personality wins the fights based on numbers of followers. This has happened throughout church history and still does. The church becomes something other than the simple fellowship of those born of God into His family sharing their common life in Christ according to the means He ordained. Already during Paul’s lifetime this was happening in Ephesus where he had spent three years and given them the “whole counsel of God.” The true purpose of the gospel had been described in 1 Timothy 1:5 which is “love from a pure heart, and a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” The results of teachings which are not from the gospel are described in 1 Timothy 6:4 which we discuss in detail in this class