Honoring God in Christian Ministry: 2 Timothy 2:19-22
July 30, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:19-22
This series is based on Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20. We are exploring the topic of valid ministry in the church by explaining some passages in 1 and 2 Timothy which are also about teachers and teaching in Ephesus some years later. There are very important passages in 2 Timothy 2 which we explore in detail in this message. Beginning in 2 Timothy 2:14-18 we explain the context of our verses about the “firm foundation of God” and vessels of honor or dishonor. False teachers had gone astray and taught that the resurrection had already happened. Timothy was to correct these teachers and counteract the damage by teaching the truth. We emphasize the need to do careful study to make sure we “handle accurately the word of truth” (2Timothy 2:15) as Paul told Timothy. The need is as great or greater today. It is lamentable that this necessary emphasis is mostly ignored or even mocked in contemporary churches. Correcting error is seen as counterproductive to church growth. The problem we discuss is that the church as defined Biblically needs careful teaching of the Bible to grow. Religious institutions called “church” see themselves as harmed by what Paul says is necessary for the well-being of the church. The foundation of God that stands is based on the teachings of Christ and His apostles, not religious leaders called “Christian” who do not have a saving relationship with Christ. The warnings in 2 Timothy 2:14-18 apply now as much as ever. The vessels of dishonor are false teachers who must be confronted and called to repent. Paul alludes to the narrative of Korah’s rebellion from Numbers 16. We study that section to see how the key issues found there apply to 2 Timothy 2:19. Moses was the one who spoke for God, but Korah and company had other ideas. Paul calls on Timothy to confront this type of error and expound the truth for the benefit of the body of Christ.