Gently Correct Those in Opposition: 2 Timothy 2:24-26 (Part 2)
October 1, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:24-26
As we continue to explain and apply these passages we focus on the value of careful Biblical exegesis. Many theological ideas which are the basis ideas about the church are grounded in theory and speculation rather than careful study and applications of Scripture.
We discuss the term “church” and evaluation the manner in which it subject to equivocation. The definitions in the New Testament show that those who are part of the church are joined to Christ as Head and to one another. If we do not define the church Biblically through sound exegesis, we equivocate on the term and create confusion.
We have a robust discussion of the problem of speculations which Paul says produce quarrels. With careful study of Scripture, we can determine what the Holy Spirit-inspired author means and what is or is not a valid implication or application of that meaning.
With speculations grounded in human philosophy, there is not solid ground to resolve issues and come to the truth. This means that word-fights and quarrels harm the flock. We also deal with the manner in which correction is brought in the church.
Paul says that it is to be with gentleness in the hope of God granting repentance. The problem is severe because 2 Timothy 2:26 says that those in opposition are in the snare of the devil.