Will We Live by Revelation or Desire?: Proverbs 6:20-35 (Pt. 1)
October 15, 2023 Speaker: Eric Douma Series: Proverbs
Scripture: Proverbs 6:20-35
In this message, based on Proverbs 6:20-35, we learn how the young person must listen to the wisdom of their parents to stay away from sexual immorality. Assumed in Solomon’s argument is that the father and mother are equipped with truths based on the Scriptures.
We learn in this message to distinguish between an “apophatic” faith which is based on secrets and mystery not revealed in Scripture and a “kataphatic” faith based on what the Scriptures have revealed. Lost sinners, who travel down the road to destruction, build their moral standards on their own feelings, doctrines of false teachers, and the doctrines of demons.
We learn today that we must be those who build our understanding of right and wrong based on what God has revealed in the Scriptures.