Repentance & Freedom From Satan: 2 Timothy 2:25-26 (Pt. 2)
October 29, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:25-26
As Paul instructs Timothy to correct those in opposition, the hoped for outcome is that they would “come to their senses” and thus escape from captivity to the devil. This escape would be a transfer from captivity to the lie to salvation through the truth which is found in Christ.
We examine a number of NT texts where the message of the devil is called “the lie.” Most English translations do not translate the definite article which is in the Greek of passages such as John 8:44 and 2 Thessalonians 2:11.
The lie is put in antithetical relationship to “the truth” which is Christ and His message. We examine John 8:31-44 to show the interaction between Jesus and some Jewish leaders who claimed they were never in bondage. One aspect of domain transfer is from the lie of Satan which can be traced back to the message of the Serpent in the Garden to Christ’s kingship which is the truth.
We cite John 18:37 which is about Jesus speaking about the through when Pilate asked if Jesus was a king. Those who do escape through hearing the truth and believing are spiritually transferred into the kingdom of God. The whole world lies under the power of the lie.
Those who come to the truth through the gospel of Jesus Christ come to be in a saving relationship with God while living on the earth with those still in darkness. This is not about geographical location, buildings, or institutional loyalties. It is about being changed by God’s grace through the gospel wherever one lives.