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God Will Build Up His Church: Acts 20:31-34 (Pt 2)

November 26, 2023 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles

Scripture: Acts 20:31-34

In Acts 20:32 Paul commends the elders of the church in Ephesus to the simple reality of the “word of His grace.” This is God’s means to build them up and give them the eternal inheritance.

We discuss the power of these simple truths compared to the claims of those who promote dominion theology such as the New Apostolic Reformation. Paul’s instructions are accessible to any who know Christ and are thus a part of His eternal kingdom.

In contrast, the grand plans of the dominionists to infiltrate “7 mountains” as they call them and Christianize the power structures of the world are complex and didn’t exist in Paul’s day. What Paul said to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20 bears no resemblance to the plans of Christian power brokers in America.

The institutional church with political aspirations did not exist until 300 years after Paul gave this address in Acts. The simple teachings and promises given by Paul and the other Biblical apostles have little in common with the complex schemes of today’s post-millennialists. We explain the difference.

The “inheritance among those who are sanctified” is not produced through creating a religious culture or society by means of finding key people in the world and having them help build the kingdom now.

This inheritance is given by God to those He has brought to Himself as a gift of grace through the gospel. We cite several important Scriptures to that end including two in Ephesians. The inheritance of the saints does not depend on how profoundly we influence the nations of the world as social entities. People enter by faith in the gospel however insignificant they may appear in the eyes of the world.