Jerusalem Faces Judgment & God Desires Repentance: Acts 21:10-14
February 18, 2024 Speaker: Bob DeWaay Series: Acts of the Apostles
Scripture: Acts 21:10-14
This class focuses on passages in Luke where Jesus reveals his intentions and desires as He travels to Jerusalem. It is clear that Jesus’ trip to be rejected and killed in Jerusalem does not end there because He predicts His resurrection and ascension as well. The trip to Jerusalem in Luke 9:51-19:48 includes predictions and laments about Jerusalem. She “kills the prophets” who are sent to her (Luke 13:34).
We discuss the lament where Jesus says “How many times I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her brood under her wings but you were not willing” (Luke 13:34b). Jesus predicts His rejection execution and resurrection on the third day (Luke 18:32, 33). Jesus wept over the city (Luke 19:41). Clearly the Bible teaches the certain judgment which will come and Jesus’ love and compassion as well. Future judgment will mean “not one stone will be left on another” (Luke 19:44).
The cause is that she didn’t recognize the day of visitation. We discuss what God’s visitation entails and implies. The point of reading and discussing these passages is to show that Paul’s journey to Jerusalem to be rejected echoes Jesus’. When Ababus gives his prophecy of rejection in Acts 21:10-11, there is also a sense of God’s divine purpose.
There were many previous indications that Paul would meet severe opposition in Jerusalem. Yet in Acts 21:12-14 Christians urged Paul not to go but he stated that he was willing to suffer or even die in Jerusalem for the “name of the Lord.” They conceded by saying “the will of the Lord be done.” God continued to send messengers (this time Paul) to show His love and mercy. The outcome of judgment does not negate God’s love and desire for repentance and salvation.